Marketing & Engineering Requirements
Marketing Requirements
MR.1 - This device is able to detect a car (electric car) from a safe distance.
MR.2 - This device gives accurate feedback to user of the speed of vehicle.
MR.3 - This device provides quick feedback to user of moving vehicle.
MR.4 - This device provides user reasonable directionality of where the vehicle is coming from.
MR.5 - This device has an all-day battery life.
MR.6 - This device is lightweight and handheld.
MR.7 - This device determines if vehicle is approaching or receding.
MR.8 - This device features a night-light setting for traffic safety at night.
MR.9 - This device gives the user an option of sound or blinking lights.
MR.10 - This device is equipped with a headphone jack.
Engineering Requirements:
ER.1.1 - This device detects a car up to 500 feet away for speeds up to 50 MPH.
ER.2.1 - This device detects a vehicle’s speed within 10% error.
ER.3.1 - This device gives the user feedback of a moving vehicle in < 1s.
ER.4.1 - This device has a half power beamwidth of less than or equal to 35 degrees.
ER.5.1 - This device is able to operate with 2 directions of a moving vehicle (approaching or receding).
ER.6.1 - This device weighs less than 0.75lbs.
ER.6.2 - This device has dimensions of <6.5”in height<3.5” in width and <2” thick.
ER.7.1 - This device has a battery life of > =750 readings at 10 seconds per reading.
ER.7.2 - This device is powered by 2 AA batteries.
ER.8.1 - This device has 1 strand of safety lights to make users easily detectable at night.
ER.8.2 - This device has 1 switch to turn night light setting on and off.
ER.9.1 - This device has 1 type of feedback for sound.
ER.9.2 - This device has an LED array to notify the user of moving vehicles.
ER10.1 - This device has 1 stereo headphone jack.